Universitas Psychologica, Volumen 11 (4), 2012

Universitas Psychologica
ISSN 1657-9267 / EISSN 2011-27777

Volumen 11 (4), 2012
Número dedicado a la Justicia Juvenil

Redes de investigación: un valor agregado fundamental para la comunicación científica

Presentation: Psychology and Juvenile Justice

3 Los desafíos de un verdadero sistema de justicia juvenil: una visión psicoeducativa
The Challenges of a Real Youth Justice System: A Psychoeducational Perspective

The Juvenile Justice System in the Province of Buenos Aires and evaluation methods

Sistema de Justicia Juvenil en Italia: investigaciones e intervenciones

Justicia Restaurativa en Cortes Juveniles en Brasil: breve revisión de los proyectos piloto de Porto Alegre y São Caetano

Statistical Approach to Reality of Children Offending in Mexico: Legislation and Organized Crime, New Challenges

Psychoeducational Skills Assessment from a Specialized Training Program for Professionals of Direct Intervention with Young Offenders and Non-Offenders

The Psychosocial Innovation: Planification of Implementation and Dissemination to Prevent Juvenile Delinquency

Psychosocial Variables of Community Environment Linked to Social Maladjustment Processes in Adolescents: Reflections from a Case Study

Evaluación del riesgo y manejo del riesgo clínico en jóvenes antisociales: el grupo olvidado

Conducta delictiva en la adolescencia e influencia de sus pares: un estudio comparativo en el contexto brasileño

Trabajo urgente: desarrollando una respuesta con perspectiva de género para niñas en el Sistema de Justicia Juvenil

Predictive Validity at the Instrument Risk and Resources (FER-R) for Intervention Assessment with Young Offenders: Preliminary Study

Psychopathic Features in Adolescence: Theoric Systematization

Recidivism and Desistance in Young Offenders: Criminal Trajectory Analysis from Self-Reported Offenses, Substance Use and Professional Judgment

Smoking Susceptibility and Smoking Behavior among Girls

Desarrollo del esquema de perdón en la adolescencia

Agresión físico-verbal y depresión en adolescentes: el papel de las estrategias cognitivas de regulación emocional

Adolescents and Destructive Interparental Conflict: Impact on the Perception of the Family System and Differences by Adolescents’ Type of Family, Age and Sex

Emotions, Coping Style and Aggression during Adolescence

Knowledge of Traffic Rules According to the Age and the Importance for Road Safety

Reception of Television Series and Formation of Cognitive Schemas Associated to their Characters: A Study of Costa Rican Children and Adolescents

Relationship between Aggessive Behavior and Academic Goals: Study with a Spanish Compulsory Secondary Education Sample of Students

Maternal Stress and Family Constitution: Comparative Study on Chilean, Single-Mother and Nuclear, Low-Income Families

Students Characterization from their Potential and Academic Talent in Antofagasta, Chile

Written Narration in Specific Language Impairment (SLI)